Counting Dead Women 2020

Since 2012 a group called Destroy the Joint has run the Counting Dead Women Project. The researchers investigate, count and document the number of women who are killed each year. These femicides, most of which relate to domestic violence, are published regularly.

This is a work in progress responding to these tragic deaths. According to media reports, 61 women were killed in 2020. Copper female figures were hand sawn and enamelled in different colours to highlight the victims' uniqueness and individuality. There is no clasp acknowledging that the murders happened before 2020 and they have, sadly, continued afterwards. There may also be other women who have been killed that have not been reported in the news.


Copper, Enamel, Neoprene, Enamelling, Oxidising

150 x 10 x 1cm


Katherine Grocott

Katherine Grocott